6 most frequently asked questions if you want to export your business

export business

You’ve built your own business from scratch. You’ve even had some success in the domestic market. Now, you’re ready to cross the borders and start exporting.

The good news is – the time is ripe. Thanks to improvements in trade finance, technologies and the connectivity provided by the Internet and social media, it’s more practical than ever for companies, regardless of their size, to sell goods and services on a global level.

The question is – how do you persuade export buyers to purchase your goods?

It all starts with knowing your product or service like the back of your hand – and being able to convey that sense of importance to your potential partners and customers as well.

Be prepared to answer these frequently asked questions by export buyers, and you’ll be good to go:

  1. What makes your product unique?

Knowing your product or service and its marketing advantages is essential. That’s called finding your unique selling proposition, or USP, and it’s what makes your business stand out and in return – export buyers want to work with you.

To find your USP and tell the buyers what’s so special about you, think about your product/service in terms of:

  • What makes it stand out from the rest of the market?
  • What’s your competitive advantage?
  • What’s your target audience?
  • Can your product/service be tailored to suit a new market?
  1. Why are you interested in my company?

If you’ve expressed interest in working with a specific buyer and want to work with that company exclusively, they’ll want to know why you’ve picked them.

Was it their experience in the market? Or their brand identity? Perhaps their values and business philosophy coincides with yours?

Let the buyer know why you chose them, as this will lead to a good start for your business relationship.

  1. Do you have experience in the market already?

Since no country, culture, or community is the same, it’s essential to have at least some knowledge of your target market. What’s the consumer behaviour there? What are the biggest challenges and competitors? It’s great if you already have some experience or success in that market. If you don’t, you’ll have to do some research.

  1. Do you have any references?

If you’ve previously had good experience with buyers, don’t hesitate to use that as an example. References and recommendations from business clients, vendors, and customers will attest the quality of your products or services and emphasize other positive aspects of your business relationship.

  1. What are your plans for logistics?

When shipping your product overseas, you have be aware of the logistic hurdles like packing, labeling, documentation, and insurance requirements. Knowing the plan beforehand will convey a more professional first impression and help you gain the confidence of your buyer.

Keep in mind that managing the logistics yourself can take a lot of time and money, so be prepared – or hire a third party!

  1. Do you have any quality certificates?  

Quality certification is a formal recognition that shows your products or services are on top of the game – regulation, expertise, and industry standard-wise. It’s like a mark of excellence that will confirm to your potential buyer that your goods (and you as a partner) can be trusted.

Ready to go global? Contact us, and we’ll be happy to arrange a meeting with you.