Industry Supplier Search

Relevant Supplier Identification
Supplier Attraction

Supplier attraction

Throughout our experience, we have developed personal contact and worked with more than 10’000 foreign and local producers in food, metal, furniture, textile, wood, medicine, IT, construction, and other sectors.

If you are looking for potential suppliers and are interested to get to know better their possibilities and price level for any kind of product or service you are searching for, just fill out the form below and we will introduce the list of relevant suppliers according to your needs and requirements and help you save your time and money from screening best potential partners.

We will:

  • Identify the relevant suppliers
  • Introduce your request and requirements to potential suppliers in the target market
  • Set up a business meeting with a best-fit supplier and help you understand cooperation possibilities with him
  • Service is free of charge (as we are taking a commission from producers)

Fill in the form below and we will get in touch with you: