The population is growing and people need nice living spaces. Our services help medium companies to get in touch with larger subcontractors or real estate developers and help to build new homes in Scandinavia or across Europe.
What Our Clients Say
Elme Metall with help of Gateway&Partners conducted partner search in Sweden and Norway for 3 divisions working with steel structures, reinforcement meshes and machine building. Approaching 80 companies in each country, Gateway&Partners organised us 4 business visits and possibility to meet 25 companies, including leading industry players. Due to the extensive help of Gateway&Partners we have successfully entered Scandinavian market.

Maru Metall was one of 8 participants in B2B matchmaking event in Denmark organised by Gateway&Partners. Gateway&Partners organised 4 meetings with potential partners – construction companies using metal structures in their projects. Additionally 2 factory visited were organised for better understanding of the specific market needs.

Gateway&Partners contributed to the GTV Blast – manufacturer of the machines for the surface preparation and coating – market expansion in the Romanian market organising 8 meetings with the leading market players.

Gateway&Partners concluded investment attraction process attracting potential partners in newly renovated Business Park in Latvia. The target customers were metalworking, automation, assembling and other industrial players from the Nordic region.

Gateway&Partners high professionality and delivered project results have convinced us to use Gateway&Partners services to acquire several markets. Gateway&Partners services allows us to focus our attention to quality of the meetings and potential partners rather than the communication process of finding new partners. Gateway&Partners services is a significant help in our every day job.

Nordic and Baltic wood construction companies have been cooperating over years. Gateway team has been organizing several incoming missions from Norway with construction sector representatives interested to meet potential Latvian suppliers, as well as organized trade missions to Norway. We have been pleased to cooperate with Gateway team in export development of the whole sector!

Gateway&Partners stand for high quality services, client oriented attitude and high responsibility for the delivered services. We highly value Gateway&Partners consultant’s passion to delivered high quality services and results, and therefore we have been choosing to cooperate with Gateway team for our business development in several markets.